Lynn Arand-Western


Hello - I am Lynn Arand-Western and I'm the new owner of Old Time Finds.

​In the fall of 2020, I stumbled upon Old Time Finds and met the fabulous Paula B. We hit it off discussing the possibility of me joining as a vendor. Being a furniture flipper, I was itching to dive into this world of vintage treasures. Plus, I had this sneaky little plan to pave my way to retirement bliss with some extra income.

Fast forward to the summer of 2023, and the news broke that the previous owner, Eric Bausworth, was putting Old Time Finds up for grabs. Cue my internal dilemma—I had already set my sights on retiring from the corporate grind in 2024. Talk about timing!

But guess what? Fate had its own plot twist. After some soul-searching chats with Eric and Paula, it became clear that destiny was knocking at my door, urging me to step into the realm of ownership. With my knack for all things merchandise, honed over 25+ years of wheeling and dealing, I knew I was up for the challenge of taking Old Time Finds to new heights.

And voila! On August 30, 2023, the deal was done; come October 1st, hello retirement! Let me tell you, it's been an absolute blast. Eric, Paula, the dream team behind the scenes, our fabulous dealers, and the wonderful customers have made this journey a great ride. Here's to many more adventures in the land of vintage wonders! 

The irony of now being the owner of Old Time Finds is not only do I get to have fun, be creative, work with an awesome group of eclectic individuals, I am coming back to my roots. I lived in High Ridge, went to Murphy Elementary, North Jefferson Middle School and started  Northwest before my family moved to Villa Ridge in 1977.